Handy Heroes Launch

The game is a Physics-based Platformer where you along with friends (locally with keyboard and gamepads) can play as Handymen repairing an aspect of a crumbling house.

To pick a role walk up to a tool and press 'E' on keyboard or 'X' on a gamepad.

There are three roles to pick from:

  • Builder: Who can fix Walls, Floors, Columns and can clear Debris.
  • Plumber: Who can fix Pipes and help with Columns.
  • Electrician: Who can fix wires by either welding or cutting them.

The goal of the game is to repair the house 100% which means fixing all Columns, Floors, Walls, Pipes, Ionizers and damaged Wires.

The house is supported by the Columns in the basement, if they all break then the entire building collapse and its Game Over.

Occasionally you'll endure Earthquakes which can cause great damage to the buidling.

When a Column breaks anything above it falls down as Debris which can damage Pipes and Wires and block your way. The lower the Column in the support chain the more destruction it will cause. Its the Builders job to make sure the Columns are healthy, the Floors/Walls are fixed and the Debris is cleared. They also have the highest jump.

Pipes can be damaged by falling Debris which causes Water leaks which damages Columns which in turn causes a lot of chaos if let be. Water also slows players down and amplifies any Spark touching it. A Plumber can move freely underwater and is the best swimmer, make sure all Pipes are fixed and help keeping the columns up. Water will eventually evaporate in time.

Electricity provides Ionizers power through Wires, when active they can mitigate Water completely within its radius but they'll stop working if the connection is broken by falling Debris. A broken Wire emits Sparks which deals Electricshock's to all players touching it, if the wire touches Water the Spark is greatly amplified until the Water is dealt with.

The Electrician can weld and cut wires to fix Sparks or reroute power to Ionizers in addition of being immune to Electricshock.

It is reccomended to play with friends as it was designed with atleast 3 people in mind (up to 4 players can play).

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